Sunday, March 20, 2011

Action Research Plan

Action Research Plan
  • Goal: To ensure teachers and staff can effectively use technology to improve student learning and simplify tasks.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
(The campus technology specialists will frequently lead staff development sessions to ensure that current and innovative forms of technology can be effectively used by the staff to bring positive results).

1. The principal will provide teachers with campus AEIS reports and StaR chart results.

2. Data from the AEIS report will be displayed through the use of an Elmo and projector as teachers view their own copies. Together, the technology specialist and staff will analyze the data by comparing and contrasting our results to other campuses.

3. I will pass out copies of STaR Chart results from our campus and the campuses that performed better than us. Then, I will reveal the correlation between results and performance.

4. Teachers will realize that the campuses that received higher technology ratings scored better than our campus on the TAKS exams.

5. The StaR Chart reveals our campuses’ weaknesses and strengths. The administrator will provide teachers with an opportunity to openly express what needs they would like to see addressed in regards to technology. 

6. Together, everyone will come up with feasible solutions to address these needs.

7. Teachers that
received high passing percentages on the TAKS test, for each subject, will briefly collaborate with the staff by sharing effective instructional strategies. (I will inform them that they will be required to this in advance so that they can be prepared).  Some may explain how they used Eduphoria and INOVA data to address students’ weak areas. Others will explain classroom activities or successful websites that impacted student performance.  

8. I will ask these teachers how they tailored instruction to meet every student needs (after viewing the data that revealed the objectives each student were weak in).

9. One or two teachers will have the opportunity to respond and enlighten others of their practices. (Many teachers know their students’ weaknesses, but they do not know how to effectively address them.)

10. I will close my session by passing out evaluation forms and thanking everyone for attending.

Campus Administrators

Technology specialists

Curriculum Coordinators

Roberta Nonette (classroom teacher)

AEIS Rating

STaR Chart Results

Technology TEKS

Campus Improvement Plan

Campus Technology Plan

District Improvement Plan

District Technology Plan

Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020

Star Chart Results

Teacher Surveys

During sessions teachers will have the opportunity to collaborate and explain what form of technology they used and what impact it had on their class.

Teachers will explain technology use in their lesson plans and document the amount of technology they use in their classrooms. They should also note how the technology improved student learning.

My goal for this technology development session is to provide teachers with the opportunity to collaborate. Many teachers do not grow from technology development sessions because they are accustomed to listening to administrators, who are not in the classroom, make unrealistic or irrelevant demands. Sometimes, teachers do not want to be just told what to do. They cannot change if they are not told how to do it. The best people to train or give teachers advice are people, other teachers, who are successful in their profession. Just like students, teachers learn better from their peers. We do not have many moments to collaborate, so I will use my professional development session as an opportunity to achieve this as we view important data. 

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