Saturday, March 5, 2011

5352 Blog Posting #1

Technology explains the technology standards that are required for beginning teachers along with several recommendations in different areas.
      I think the requirements and recommendations are very relevant and necessary for the 21st century teacher. The world is completely different from what most teachers experienced when they were The Educator Preparation and Development section of the Texas Long Range Plan for in grade school. Technology for many consisted of an overhead projector, type writer, or a slow booting computer. At the time, few students had computers at home, and the district did not provide computers in the classrooms for students to use. The plan states, “Teachers must be able to prepare students for their future in a manner that assures that all students will not simply survive, but truly thrive in the world that awaits them” (23).  In order for students to thrive in the future, they must know how to use various forms of technology. Therefore, current and future teachers must know how to appropriately use technology in the classroom to support curriculum. State, local, and national recommendations requires educators to receive professional development opportunities.  Local Education Agencies hold districts responsible for developing strategies for teachers, campus administrators, and librarians, to master Standards I-V. This will lead to progress in regards to technology integration inside and outside the classroom. Two other forms of progress include teachers being encouraged to participate in Master Technology Teacher programs and TEKS being replaced with the STAR chart (as a direct attempt to integrate technology in the classroom). My campus received an advanced classification and a key area total of eighteen in the Educator Preparation and Development area for the past three years. Sadly, this area lacks trends because there is no change. For the past three documented years, the score have remained the same. However, I hope that my campus can eventually receive a perfect score in this area. Then, the administrators can feel confident that every educator is prepared and capable of effectively integrating technology in the classroom.
To improve this area, teachers should continue to take on as many professional development opportunities as possible and collaborate. I have received great content-based Power Point slides, helpful sites to display on my STaR board, and many other effective technology-based ideas just by collaborating with teachers within my department.

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